субота, 29. новембар 2008.

Steps To Focus On To Become A Model

By Tom Smith

If you are seriously committed to modeling willing to put the time and deposit all your energy into competing with everyone you confront then you go ahead otherwise you remove the thought of pursuing this career because the hard fact of the glamour and the hype you have seen in this world needs 24 hours tremendous hard work. If you can forget about everything and can only focus on modeling then only you can survive in this harsh and competitive world where there is no place for sentiments and emotion.

I would like to emphasize on the point “24 hours” that is your whole day. You cannot categorize modeling as a job but a different lifestyle full of hectic schedule and high pay that often keeps changing and is completely different from your 9 hours job that normally starts from 9am and ends at 5pm that allows you plenty of time that you can give to yourself and to your family members and fixed salary with yearly increment and bonus. Therefore unless you are hard working and lack strong backbone and do not have the strength to accept the bad times then it will be difficult for you to balance on the slippery ground of modeling falling flat on your nose. So as you embrace the good things in your life-you also prepare yourself for the worst too.

There are some safety survival tips that will help you to climb the ladder of success to become a model. First you need a modeling profile and for that you need a skilled photographer/ photographers. But remember the adage “look before you leap” while hiring a photographer. Ask for your photographer portfolio before you sign up with him. Insure that you know exactly the concept of the photo session and never feel pressured to do anything that you do not feel comfortable doing. If possible take a friend with you to the shoot or inform the members of your family about the shoot but never go alone. Next choose your modeling agency wisely. Check to see if your agency is genuine or not. It is wise to choose the agency that believes to complete their formalities through paper works. These documents are of utmost important as you may need them if you have a dispute with the agency.

It should be reminded that modeling is not a personal venture and therefore it is significant for you to prepare yourself to negotiate about everything from pay to content with your prospective employers. To survive in this field you need to be punctual and it is also important that should not take things for granted. Always carry your own things like your outfits, make-up and enough "cash" for cab fare etc even though they are provided because you never know what kind of incidence can happen with you. Never do anything that will snatch your peace of mind. And most important thing is that if you can embrace anything good in your life then have guts to accept the bad also, because both the events are apart of our life.

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