четвртак, 27. октобар 2016.

Vintage Fashion: Artifacts From Years Gone By

Look at the pages of the latest issue of a prominent fashion magazine and you are sure to find it. Look online at the numerous
celebrity blogs and you will be sure to find it. Visit your local consignment clothing store and you are absolutely sure to
find it.

What is this “it?” The “it” is vintage fashion and it continues to be all the rage in fashion circles year after year. The
definitely of vintage, or retro fashion, depends on the person writing about or wearing the artifacts from years gone by.
But one thing in fashion is apparent: fashion comes and goes in cycles and what was in style when you were young will most
likely be considered vintage fashion when you grow up and have children of your own.

For several years, vintage fashion boasted artifacts from the 1960’s: mini-dresses and knee high boots. Then it was the
1970’s vintage fashions of afro hair styles and bell bottom pants along with wedge heels and flowing disco tops.
Now, look on the pages of fashion magazines or blogs and the newest fashion artifacts are considered fashions from not that
long ago: the 1980’s. Slouch socks, neon prints, tons of jewelry, big hair and make up are coming back in to style in stages
and it is funny to see fashion writers discuss how this is now vintage fashion. People who were born in the 1980’s are still
in their twenties: hardly artifact-type people!

But people have had to deal with fashions coming back in and out since the beginning of clothing. People have always been
concerned with being the best dressed and as time passed, ideas for fashion started to wane and styles and ideas were repeated,
hence the continued popularity of vintage fashion.

The best way to approach fashion is to mix vintage pieces with other items that are not considered to be artifacts. Mixing
the old and the new will show others that you are a fashion forward type of person who is able to confidently mix up fashions
without appearing overly made-up or ridiculous.

Fashions will continue to come in and out of style as long as there are fashion designers and people there to write about
and buy the clothes. We will not escape fashion, especially vintage type fashions, so we might as well embrace it and wear
it proudly.

You will not be considered an artifact if you do indeed adopt retro or vintage fashions. Instead, you will be looked at as
a fashion forward person who is continually looking for new ways to push the fashion envelope. Wear the clothes right and
you could be considered the newest “it” person on the covers of the magazines and soon be walking the runways of Paris and

Okay, not really, but it is fun to dream, right? And vintage fashion can help you escape to a time where life was simple.
So travel back in time and look good doing it with vintage fashions.

недеља, 7. фебруар 2010.

Powder Substrate

base is the most basic. is extremely important to apply proper foundation must be the same as skin color.

If you look a little darker, always add at the end make-up bronzer.

If you're not yet sure which to buy powder, you will hardly find the answer in a variety of cosmetic stores.
Shops have for makeup
saws with which you can provide and help with issues that plague you. Another possibility is that before selecting consultation with beautician.

Author: Ivana

Make up

Makeup gives us the confidence, Makeup used to better womanly look and feel better.
Makeup can hide what you do not want to see and play a person is by what we love and want to highlight.
There are no written rules and limits what we can or can not do with makeup.
all depends on you

Paint a lot about your personality and mood
If you wear red, it means that you feel crazy and hot. Roseau means that you are feminine, green reflects balansiranost and honesty. Purple describes the artistic types.

Author: Ivana

недеља, 31. јануар 2010.

How to The Handsome Body ?

Eat Healthy with Organic Foods

When you go to the grocery store or supermarket to buy fruits or vegetables, do you pick just any produce or are you
particular about getting organic foods?  There is a difference between the two and, after our discussion, you may decide
that organic foods are the way to go.  Let’s take a look at the benefits of buying organic produce.

While both types of produce may look the same, organic foods must be able to meet specific standards of production,
including specific growing and processing conditions that are unique to foods that can be labeled “organic”.  For crop
foods, the organic foods can’t be grown using any chemical pesticides, non-organic fertilizer, human waste fertilizer or
sludge from sewage.  They also cannot be processed using ionizing radiation—a process that kills bacteria but that some
people believe is unsafe. Finally, the food can’t be genetically altered.

At one point, organic foods were grown on small farms, particularly those that were family-owned and operated.  In today’s
time, however, organic foods are grown on larger farms and are more readily available in most supermarkets, co-ops and
health food stores.  In the US, parts of Europe and Japan, the production of organic foods is currently federally regulated
and in other countries, specific organic certification is required before these foods can be sold.

Organic foods can include fresh vegetables and fruits, which are not processed and come directly from the growers through
farmer’s markets, supermarkets and roadside stands.  Many of these products are only available during certain times of the
year.  One can also get organic eggs, dairy products and meat in their fresh and unprocessed forms.

Organic eggs are generally provided by free-range chickens and not from those kept in cages in large, egg factories.
Organic meats must not come from animals that have been treated with any growth hormones, steroids or antibiotics.
Processed organic foods can be found in the organic food section of the supermarket but often are more expensive than
their conventional food counterparts.  Processed organic foods can include canned products, frozen produce, prepared items
and even snack foods.

In truth, processed organic foods need only contain a certain percentage of organic ingredients.  In Australia, for
example, a food can be labeled “organic” if it contains at least 95% organic ingredients.  In other countries, however,
the percentage can be less than that.  Even so, those non-organic ingredients must be free of artificial food additives
and no aspect of the food can be processed using chemical ripening techniques, genetic modification or irradiation.  In
some cases, the organic food must be made using energy-saving techniques and packaged in recyclable or biodegradable

It’s not always easy to identify whether or not your food is truly organic.  Sometimes, you need to buy directly from an
organic grower in order to be certain the food is organic.  More recently, however, foods that are organic can be
identified by governmental labeling, stating that the food is “certified organic”.

Because of the safety and wholesomeness of organic foods, you may wish to do you and your family a favor by buying only
organic products.  The food tastes excellent and you can be assured you’re getting a product that won’t be harmful to you.

Nice and convenient body also must fostered.
most important is a healthy diet
Ingestion of as many fresh ingredients
of fruit and vegetables.
it is very important to train and be in the top forms.
If you have problem with obesity, you need to be careful in eating.

недеља, 24. јануар 2010.

Face care

Face is very important in fashion and beauty.
very important to be healthy goats, fostered and nicely make up.
There are day and night makeup.

There are several types of faces,
we make-up depending on what type of persons.
face shapes:oval face, heart-shaped, oblong, square face.
So we make-up depending on the shape.

make-up remove defects,
what is the most beautiful in the face it must be emphasized

Author: Ivana

среда, 20. јануар 2010.

Beautiful long hair

Beautiful hair must be: healthy, fostered, pure, delicate, soft, shiny.
necessary is maintenance painted hair

There are many different products for hair
Some of them are herbal and natural basis.
often used: olive oil, Aloe, vitamins, coconut, chocolate.
There is a huge range of products for every type of hair.

Author :Ivana

недеља, 17. јануар 2010.

Gianmarco Lorenzi or Christian Louboutin shoes can be nice Selection

Skimp on Casual Shoes

Unless you're buying shoes for work (which need to be the best quality you can find) shoes do not need to be expensive. Go often to your favorite discount shoe stores to get the best offerings. If you are just running around on the weekends, you don't need to wear expensive shoes. Save your money for buying shoes when it really matters, like great work.

Tigh high boots never go out of fashion.Nice going with skirts, dresses, jeans ..also flat boots are very modern.should always have such a variety of occasions.

Author: Ivana

Gianmarco Lorenzi or Christian Louboutin shoes can be nice Selection

Skimp on Casual Shoes

Unless you're buying shoes for work (which need to be the best quality you can find) shoes do not need to be expensive. Go often to your favorite discount shoe stores to get the best offerings. If you are just running around on the weekends, you don't need to wear expensive shoes. Save your money for buying shoes when it really matters, like great work.

Tigh high boots never go out of fashion.Nice going with skirts, dresses, jeans ..also flat boots are very modern.should always have such a variety of occasions.

Author: Ivana

четвртак, 29. октобар 2009.

Designer Dresses – A Way To Express Your Fashion

Though it might not be well-suited in cases of many, but still we cannot disagree from the fact that the fashion statement of a large part of the general mass of people circulates around that of the celebrities. A kind of dress worn by the likes of Angelina Jolie or Cate Blanchett is soon found to be on the bodies of hundreds of women all around the world. This has been the so reason, which has lead to the increasing popularity of designer dresses.

It may be any event today you will find the ladies looking stunning in different styles of designer dresses In fact, the designer dresses give the women an opportunity to be personal about her fashion.

Available in different shapes, sizes and colors, the designer clothes if perfectly selected, reflects one’s attitude and personality Gone are the days when only the upper class women had an irresistible taste for designer clothes. Today, one can even find the middle class girls associating themselves with different shades of designer clothes.

Ladies are aware of what to wear, which will make them look stunning in a party. One of the favorite evening dresses of the ladies is the Cocktail dress. The Cocktail dress not only makes the lady look sexy and hot, but also fulfils the purpose of various events like cruise-ships parties, New Years Parties, Holiday parties and dinners at expensive restaurants. It may however, make the lady look WOW if she tries on the designer cocktail prom dress or the little black dress. Today, the markets are completely full and enriched of varieties of designer and cocktail dresses। One just need to access the internet, select the best one and then enjoy looking glamorous.
Author: Grassy Johns

четвртак, 19. фебруар 2009.

Fashion nail

Nails are important in cosmetics, the most important is that the nails healthy.Nails can build, lacquer.hand must be fostered.
here in Serbia is very popular upgrades have beautiful nails.Also too popular is French manicure.Nails can look beautiful if they have natural look.
Nail may be short, natural and nicely shaped.Natural look is beutifull.
Nails are built with UV gel, the hand is placed in the UV lamp,then shape the nail,and liquor.
Also be used, high quality acrylic gels, which can take up to 5 years,
but it is important regular adjustment, every 2 weeks
Treatment can sometimes take longer than 2 hours.
For customer is very important that nails look nice,neat and quality.

Author : Ivana

субота, 29. новембар 2008.

Steps To Focus On To Become A Model

By Tom Smith

If you are seriously committed to modeling willing to put the time and deposit all your energy into competing with everyone you confront then you go ahead otherwise you remove the thought of pursuing this career because the hard fact of the glamour and the hype you have seen in this world needs 24 hours tremendous hard work. If you can forget about everything and can only focus on modeling then only you can survive in this harsh and competitive world where there is no place for sentiments and emotion.

I would like to emphasize on the point “24 hours” that is your whole day. You cannot categorize modeling as a job but a different lifestyle full of hectic schedule and high pay that often keeps changing and is completely different from your 9 hours job that normally starts from 9am and ends at 5pm that allows you plenty of time that you can give to yourself and to your family members and fixed salary with yearly increment and bonus. Therefore unless you are hard working and lack strong backbone and do not have the strength to accept the bad times then it will be difficult for you to balance on the slippery ground of modeling falling flat on your nose. So as you embrace the good things in your life-you also prepare yourself for the worst too.

There are some safety survival tips that will help you to climb the ladder of success to become a model. First you need a modeling profile and for that you need a skilled photographer/ photographers. But remember the adage “look before you leap” while hiring a photographer. Ask for your photographer portfolio before you sign up with him. Insure that you know exactly the concept of the photo session and never feel pressured to do anything that you do not feel comfortable doing. If possible take a friend with you to the shoot or inform the members of your family about the shoot but never go alone. Next choose your modeling agency wisely. Check to see if your agency is genuine or not. It is wise to choose the agency that believes to complete their formalities through paper works. These documents are of utmost important as you may need them if you have a dispute with the agency.

It should be reminded that modeling is not a personal venture and therefore it is significant for you to prepare yourself to negotiate about everything from pay to content with your prospective employers. To survive in this field you need to be punctual and it is also important that should not take things for granted. Always carry your own things like your outfits, make-up and enough "cash" for cab fare etc even though they are provided because you never know what kind of incidence can happen with you. Never do anything that will snatch your peace of mind. And most important thing is that if you can embrace anything good in your life then have guts to accept the bad also, because both the events are apart of our life.

Replica Sunglasses vs। Designer Sunglasses

By Quinlan Murray

Sunglasses are a big fashion statement. In fact, they are the easiest way to go from sloth to sexy, from frumpy to fab. To make things easier for you, sunglasses come in a variety of size, shapes, colors and designs. And every face on the tube, whether it’s the friendly news reporters, glitzy superstars or cool fashionistas, is sporting sunglasses that look stunning. Of course, most of these folks are wearing designer sunglasses that would probably cost more than a month’s pay. And most of us would agree that spending THAT kind of money on sunglasses does not really make sense.

For those who cannot afford to buy costly designer sunglasses but STILL want to look like a million dollars, , replica sunglasses are the answer. These look like the real thing and are quite a buy, considering that they cost substantially less while offering the same quality. Of course, you have to be careful when you buy replica sunglasses. Since they are cheaply prized, there are more than a few things that you have to check out.

Replica sunglasses may be of two types: illegal and legal. The illegal ones are what you call ‘fake sunglasses’ This, because they mimic branded sunglasses in design and looks and even carry the logos and markings of these original brands, without the permission of the brand. They are intended to fool people into believing that these are designer sunglasses. Fake sunglasses may look like designer sunglasses, but you have to be wary of their quality. They are made from cheap materials and usually have very limited lifespan. So, you have to be very careful buying theses.

On the other hand, legal replica sunglasses do not carry any markings or logo. They are registered and often, the wholesaler selling them also holds the permission or the trademark. One of the important things that you should do while purchasing replica sunglasses is to ensure that you are buying from a company that sells quality replica sunglasses.

The first thing you have to consider while buying replica sunglasses is carefully check that the replica sunglasses offer sufficient UV protection. Do not fall for the tints. These are not of much value. Check whether the glasses have the requisite UV coating. Next, concentrate on their moving parts. A product’s real test when it comes to quality of make is centered on the durability and flexibility of its moving parts. In case of replica sunglasses, check the temples or arms hinges. This is usually where the problem starts.

The trick is to test both the arms of the replica sunglasses before you buy them. You have to fold the arms down and up several times and choose the replica sunglasses whose arms are not too stiff when you close and open it.

Many people who buy designer sunglasses often live to tell sad tales of how they lost, misplaced or damaged their sunglasses. Replica sunglasses are a much better alternative if you are short on cash but want to look as good as the guy or gal on the poster!


Fashion Jewelry - A Cheap But Stylish Fashion Statement

By Peter Bery

Fashion Adornment is the appellation accustomed to a audible affectionate of adornment that is agnate to the aboriginal adornment in account of attending and appearance but low on superior and lasting. Appearance adornment is aswell accepted as apparel jewelry, affected adornment and clutter adornment etc. This is acclimated primarily for complementing the apparel beat on assorted occasions. The appearance ornaments are fabricated of cheaper and beneath admired abstracts like abject metals, glass, plastic, constructed rock and even wood.

This affectionate of adornment may be low at the appraisement aspects but it is blatant and abounding of chichi and elegance. Therefore, there is no charge to admiration to acquisition that this adornment is acclimated by affluent and affluents as able-bodied as celebrities. This fulfills the admiring for cutting contemporary and beautiful being binding accomplished the accepted style.

The a lot of absorbing actuality about appearance adornment is that it consistently keeps changing. Innovation, array and the character are its activity blood. Annihilation that is altered from the blow of the lot is appearance jewelry; annihilation that is camp and looks out of the planet is aswell the same. Sometimes an accessory like appearance necklace, appearance earring, appearance armlet or set of adornment is beat just for once. Their beneath expensiveness helps in demography these decisions with animation and elan.

The barter of appearance adornment is aswell on all time high. The appeal accumulate ascent and markets accumulate calamity with them. There is huge bulk of appearance adornment barter traveling on about the globe. Wholesale as able-bodied as retail appearance adornment has hit the stands. The better beneficiaries are the consumers as they are accepting affected and beautiful adornment in rather beneath money. Nowadays, cutting bargain adornment is in appearance because it has the awe that is appropriate to attending stunning.



Diamond--A true gift, a true friend

By Raisa Raima

Diamonds can never go wrong in portraying your feelings but choosing the right diamond is not something every tom, dick and harry can do. However, there is hardly anything that can break a smile on your loved ones' face instantly, but a diamond.

Unlike gold, diamonds are judged on a number of criteria. Brilliance of a diamond is the key to its beauty and it is enhanced by four factors, cut, colour and clarity.

A diamond is cut keeping in mind that every face of the geometric shape given to it, is able to refract maximum possible light, hence enhance its brilliance. Coming to the colour, the colourless diamond is valued much more than the coloured diamond owing again to its ability to refract more light. The carat weight of the stone is equivalent to its size and weight. Quite clearly, the larger the diamond is, the higher it costs.

For genuine pricing, true diamonds and a best deal, one must always insist on diamond grading certificate. The certification generally comes from three world's most respected laboratories, GIA, AGS and EGL.

So, now when you are all equipped with the insights of diamond as a jewel stone, how about buying one for that special someone? Taking the Online route to the best diamond jewellery shop, one can come across scores of Online shopping portal selling diamond accessories that are best in every term. If you prefer predominantly silver jewellery, then perhaps you will halt at a platinum or white gold setting. On the other hand, if your inclination is more towards yellow gold, then you'll prefer a 14 carat yellow gold setting for your diamond.

The Online shopping portals have plenty of options for buyers of varied choices and preferences. The diamond earrings are practically irresistible. Beautiful, petite, artistically shaped earrings with small elegantly placed diamond on them, picking the best among them is not easy at all. Breathtaking designs, artistic shapes and brilliant quality, you will wish to have them all!.

The diamond and gold earrings from Asmi, the renowned brand in exquisite jewellery are so irresistibly beautiful that it is hard to suppress your desire to grab few of them. Not only earrings, you can find an array of ornaments like diamond rings from the largest brands in jewellery, in these shopping portals. Gold rings with diamond studded on the top with extreme elegance, is a dream of every bride-to-be. Perfect prices and exhaustive collection; the Online shopping is the best way to shop for diamond jewellery.

Diamonds are the best friends for every women। So, why not surprise your mother on her birthday with a splendid diamond ring? Her face gleaming with the brilliance of the diamond and her eyes welling up with tears of happiness, what can be a more perfect return gift for you? So log on to any of the Online shopping portals and feast your eyes on the comprehensive range of diamond jewellery. Be assured, you don't need to be prompted again for buying them.


What Is Beauty

By Mei Galang

If you look on television, you will see a skin deep definition of beauty. Beauty is having perfect hair, teeth, skin, clothes, and style. In order to be seen as beautiful in the superficial world, you must by the most expensive and prettiest clothes, have perfectly straight and white teeth, and have perfectly pristine and stylish hair at all times. However, if you live outside of Hollywood and do not judge yourself by the television set, you will see that there is a much deeper definition of beauty than that which the television portrays.

It Is Being Healthy

Health and beauty are linked hand in hand. One goes with the other. If you turn on the television and see a model or an actress on whom you can count every single rib, almost anyone will recognize that woman as being unhealthy. Anorexic or extremely thin women are not beautiful because they are not healthy. When you are healthy, you are beautiful. It does not matter how big you are, as long as you are healthy, you will look beautiful. A size four or a size twelve can be beautiful if it is the size your body is meant to be. Health and beauty are one in the same.

It Is Giving And Caring

The most beautiful thing that anyone can do is to be a giving and caring person. A person who is beautiful by the standards of Hollywood who does not volunteer, give to charity, or help people in need is not beautiful. A truly beautiful person is one who helps people who are less fortunate than they are. Someone who is naturally beautiful is someone who volunteers in their community, at local schools, and for causes that they care about. Beautiful people give to charity and actually care about that charity. It does not matter what you look like on the outside—when you are giving of yourself via your time and money, you are a beautiful person.

Natural Beauty Is Timeless

While Hollywood stars seem to have an expiration date, true natural beauty is absolutely timeless. You do not need plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures to enhance or maintain natural beauty. All you need is love, kindness, charity, and respect for others and yourself to maintain natural beauty. This is because natural beauty does not hinge upon a wrinkle free face, taunt and tight skin, or a perfectly sculpted body. The most beautiful people in life have been people like Mother Theresa and Jesus. Neither one fit the standards of superficial beauty, but both gave and sacrificed of themselves freely. That is what true beauty इस


What Is Beauty

By Mei Galang

If you look on television, you will see a skin deep definition of beauty. Beauty is having perfect hair, teeth, skin, clothes, and style. In order to be seen as beautiful in the superficial world, you must by the most expensive and prettiest clothes, have perfectly straight and white teeth, and have perfectly pristine and stylish hair at all times. However, if you live outside of Hollywood and do not judge yourself by the television set, you will see that there is a much deeper definition of beauty than that which the television portrays.

It Is Being Healthy

Health and beauty are linked hand in hand. One goes with the other. If you turn on the television and see a model or an actress on whom you can count every single rib, almost anyone will recognize that woman as being unhealthy. Anorexic or extremely thin women are not beautiful because they are not healthy. When you are healthy, you are beautiful. It does not matter how big you are, as long as you are healthy, you will look beautiful. A size four or a size twelve can be beautiful if it is the size your body is meant to be. Health and beauty are one in the same.

It Is Giving And Caring

The most beautiful thing that anyone can do is to be a giving and caring person. A person who is beautiful by the standards of Hollywood who does not volunteer, give to charity, or help people in need is not beautiful. A truly beautiful person is one who helps people who are less fortunate than they are. Someone who is naturally beautiful is someone who volunteers in their community, at local schools, and for causes that they care about. Beautiful people give to charity and actually care about that charity. It does not matter what you look like on the outside—when you are giving of yourself via your time and money, you are a beautiful person.

Natural Beauty Is Timeless

While Hollywood stars seem to have an expiration date, true natural beauty is absolutely timeless. You do not need plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures to enhance or maintain natural beauty. All you need is love, kindness, charity, and respect for others and yourself to maintain natural beauty. This is because natural beauty does not hinge upon a wrinkle free face, taunt and tight skin, or a perfectly sculpted body. The most beautiful people in life have been people like Mother Theresa and Jesus. Neither one fit the standards of superficial beauty, but both gave and sacrificed of themselves freely. That is what true beauty इस


Ladies Fashion for the Over 50

By groshan fabiola

Women over the age of 50 often find a hard time finding fashion that fits them properly, that is stylish and trendy, and provides the comfort that they need as they move about their busy lives. While women over the age of 50 needs ladies fashion that is somewhat more conservative than they wore in their 20s, they also don’t want fashion that will make them look as though they are bitty grannies. Ladies fashion that lies somewhere in a comfortable middle ground is important and is a way to ensure that what your wearing if your over the age of 50 not only looks great but that makes you feel great while wearing it!

The first thing any woman over the age of 50 needs to do before going and buying an entirely new wardrobe is to carefully look at their body and become familiar with it. This will give a great deal of insight as to what type of ladies fashion they should be focusing on and which parts of their body have dropped or expanded. This will let you know how to deal with the changes and you can then go through your wardrobe and get rid of anything that once looked great but now may actually call attention to your problem areas. Don’t be sad about getting rid of these clothes – think of it as simply making room for all those wonderful new ladies fashions that you are about to fill it back up with!

Makeup is another area of ladies fashion that vastly changes once a person enters their 50s and it’s important to know how to deal with these changes as well. The woman over 50 should begin to wear lighter makeup and continue to get lighter as they continue to get older. This will help to accentuate the natural beauty of the skin tones and eliminating the use of dark colors in your makeup will also eliminate the focus that these dark shades bring to your wrinkles. Tossing out the same shade of lipstick that you’ve been wearing for the past 15 years also allows you to explore some of the new trends emerging onto the market and explore many of these items that have been created with the woman over 50 in mind!

Loud prints are a lot of fun and there’s no doubt that they have their place in ladies fashion but women over the age of 50 should skip the younger look of completely covering themselves head to toe in prints। This will only bring more attention to problem areas and can also make mature women look as though they have a fuller figure than they actually do. However, this doesn’t mean that mature women need to entirely forego the fun prints in ladies fashions. They simply need to pick one piece to wear, such as a headband or a purse, and leave the rest of their outfit in solid colors. And remember that solid doesn’t necessarily mean simple or boring. Pair a vibrant purple top with a zebra-print purse and people will know right away that you’re the trendy and fun woman that you know you are!


Boots Fashion - 4 Things You Need To Know To Keep Up With The Latest Trends
By Korbin Newlyn Platinum Quality Author

As the seasons change in the winter months come upon us, most people are not surprised that many people are exchanging their stilettos for warm boots. However, fashion does not need to be sacrificed just because you are exchanging your shoes for something that is warmer and has more support.

You will find that there are numerous professional boots available to keep you in style. However, there are certain attributes that make a boot fashionable. To be in trend with boots fashion, a boot should have the right material, color, length, and should be worn the proper way.


A warm material should be the first thing to consider when looking into session. You want to look for a boot that is well made and can withstand any type of weather is subject to. It should be well built enough to go from a sunny afternoon, into a thunderstorm, to trudging through thick snow. One of the best materials in the winter season is typically suede or soft weatherproof leather.

An additional excellent material to watch out for in the latest boots fashion is that of fur. However, if you are passionate about being against animal cruelty or the use of animal fur, you can always purchase boots that are made with fake fur.

Nevertheless, if it doesn't matter to you in this regard, rabbit fur is an excellent fur to consider when it comes to boots fashion. It is both very soft and warm. It is also highly fashionable looking. Regardless of which fur you choose, try and find the one that will keep your legs and feet warm and the fur is soft and not wiry against the skin.


There are numerous colors to pick from when selecting boots fashion. At this point in time the majority of popular colors are the standard brown/tan, white and black. Nevertheless, the softer type of colors are also very popular in boots fashion; such as purple, blue, and pink.


Right now the knee-length and ankle-length boots are very popular and in style. Typically ankle-length boots are more comfortable to wear with any type of pants.

Ways to Wear Them

One of the most popular ways to wear boots is typically over jeans. One of the advantages of this is that it keeps you very warm when you are out in harsh weather. You can also wear them under the pant leg and they will still look very good. It is also acceptable to wear boots with a longer skirt or dress.

When you put these two pieces together, you are mixing the warm fashion used for winter with the fun fashion that is used during the spring and summer.

Celebrities also have been seen wearing boots with sweatpants that are fashionable. Boots can pretty much go with any type of fashionable piece of clothing. Nevertheless, if you mix them with the wrong types of clothes, you end up looking like a bag lady or a bum, so be fashion conscious.
